Wednesday, September 12, 2018

IDEAS 4: Potential Tracks + Narrative

After thinking of a narrative that involves two females part of the LGBTQ community being rejected from society and standing together to get over it, I have found some potential new tracks that could fit the narrative.

Below are the four tracks.

1. American Authors - I'm Born To Run


2. Welshly Arms - Locked


3. Kodaline - Follow Your Fire


4. Welshly Arms - Sanctuary


1. I think this could make a more striking video due to the pace of the song and the creativity surrounding the drums and how that can be in a performance. However there is a line "All the things I have seen and done" suggests a more mature band which will be harder to cast.

2. The pace is a bit slower which I think will make it difficult, however the violin will give a large boost for an amazing performance, and the cast can be younger which will be easier to cast.

3. Overall the lyrics directly touch the theme of a happy couple "running away". However the song is very repetitive and might lose the overall effectiveness of the music video.

4. The pace is varied and the song is not too drawn out, some of the lyrics fit exactly what the narrative is about "I see your hurt, I feel your pain" and "You are, you are safe with me". The pace and lyrics fit very well with my narrative idea.

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