Sunday, April 28, 2019

EVAL: Q3a Audience Engagement

Q3a: How do your products engage with the AUDIENCE?
The audience should always be in the back of the mind while doing any sort of promo package. As in the end you produce what you love, they consume what they love. We have done a lot of audience research and have adjusted our promo package accordingly to make sure engagement is at its max. Below are a few posts highlighting the research. 
(CS) Fan Unboxing:
A video to show how the audience has engaged with the band by buying both the digipak and a vinyl. The excitement shown in the video is to emphasize the excitement of a fan when then band has done something that they can relate to (Uses & Gratifications).

(SS + CS) GQ Interview:
This is our creative piece inspired by GQ which is an interview of a celebrity and they as questions to the celebrity. In this interview we discuss how we have engaged with the audience for our music video and promo package. Where Simon is the celebrity from Exposition Records (Our record label) and Chris is the interviewer.

In the style of (but not exactly like):
GQ Interview original 

Competition for Audience:
A competition we setup to get direct audience engagement. We started by creating a competition video and then some prizes to encourage fans to participate with a # and using a social media platform known as TikTok.

Above is the announcement, below is the results video.


We invited people from different age groups to come and film for the challenge. We then picked the best and decided to make an 'announcement'. These are the top five entries. The challenge was pushed through social media as seen with the video announcement on Facebook. It was also pushed on the Twitter and Instagram (instagram through IGTV service)

The competition was setup with prizes where the winner would get to go on stage and the people who came 2nd and third got a signed copy of a digipak. This is the perfect way to engage with audiences as it is a direct challenge/competition from the band. An example of this being done in real life is

Inspired by Ariana Grande with a video contest:


(SS) Additional points on Audience and our promo package:
A PowerPoint which includes some extra theory and explains a bit more how we have engaged with our audiences.

*due to technical difficulties this has been re uploaded as previous was blank* 

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