Tuesday, September 11, 2018

GENERAL CONVENTIONS 3: Intertextuality + Postmodernism

Possible Influences

  • Maybe intertextuality to other music videos 

(JC) My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You


These are the gifs used for the "Intertextuality from saving private Ryan" slide, they are a comparison between the music video and the movie

My chemical romance's music video
Saving private Ryan
Music video



(CS) - Katy Perry - Swish Swish

Possible Influences

  • Maybe intertextuality to other music videos 
Intertextuality is part of Andrew Goodwin's 6 conventions to music video. "There are often intertextual references".  The song I have chosen for intertextuality is Swish Swish from Katy Perry. The song features a large variety of intertextuality mainly with memes and other forms of existing media textsIntertextuality also links into Stuart Hall's preferred readingtheory in which everyone sees a text differently and may find intertextuality to different things than others.

Genre: Pop

Analysing the Intertextuality

I made a power point below about all the intertextuality in the music video I could find.


(SS) - Maroon 5 - Girls Like You


The video is riddled with famous actresses, musicians (female only), models, sportswomen and female influencers such as Rita Ora, Millie Bobby Brown, Alex Morgan, Ellen DeGeneres
Alex Morgan - Professional soccer player from US, Women's WC champion
Ashley Graham - one of the most influential plus-sized models of this generation, has appeared on the front cover of Elle, Vogue and Glamour

Ellen DeGeneres - hosted one of the most popular talkshows in history, Producer, writer and LGTB activist


Millie Bobby Brown - Youngest person to feature in Time's top 100 list, and earned an Emmy at only age 13

Other Examples:

  • Childish Gambino - this is America 
  • Taylor Swift - Bad Blood
  • Eminem - Just lose it
  • Taylor Swift - Love Story


  1. While I like the clear, well-illustrated analysis of intertextuality (though you do need to think more about this often functions to widen secondary audience appeal), including reference to S Hall, this is just 1 common characteristic of postmodernism. You should update this following the lessons on the D Mode Its No Good (http://musividz.blogspot.com/2011/11/mlang-deconstructionism-pomo-dmode-eg.html) eg, and using other posts on ProdEval + MANGeR pack (mainly M Lang).
    The post lacks a clear summary, + a short, simple vodcast would be useful.

  2. With the exam in mind, use my guide to help you to reference more theory, eg Kristeva... http://musividz.blogspot.com/2018/06/conventions-research-blogging-in-10.html


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