Welcome to my blog! I have made a little podcast below to talk about what my blog entails and the journey I have had alongside Simon and James including what I liked this year in Media Studies.
... LYRIC VIDEO This is the first Alternative Vid we made, very quick and simple and has become very popular among other bands to even release lyric version first due to it being so quick, simple and cheap. ... ... TEASER PERFORMANCE CUT A full performance cut teaser. Our Second Alt Vid ... ... Rough Cuts:
Final Walk through
A walk through to show the website and explaining why we did certain things. The website even has further updates that was done after this video and the updates were mentioned in this video.
... Updates From Previous Draft
This video highlights some of the updates from the previous draft
... Updates:
New popup
hyperlinked everything
new merch
new cart system for digipak + vinyl
All vids and pictures updated with hover over text
Social Media A screenshot and hyperlink to the social medias and who ran the accounts including what the accounts were made for.
Our Final digipak + CD and how it would be printed (upside down inside cover)
This is our final draft of our digipak, how it looks all sides up:
... What changed from previous:
Lead singer is now less stretched on the front cover
the band pic has been moved with Photoshop to make sure all band members are in view rather than some "hiding" behind the CD
Band pic needed some extensions in order for it to achieve verisimilitude through a complicated photoshop adding and taking from layers and stacking ontop
Digipak Walk through
This is a small video explaining the Digipak and why we did it this way.
Q1a: how do your products use or challenged CONVENTIONS? We have been researching conventions throughout the course since the start of September to now. We did both general conventions in the music industry and also genre specific conventions, as seen with this list of blogs.
(JC + SS) GOOGLE Most Searched Questions Using inspiration from the WIRED show we created a video where we went through some questions in the format of "most searched on Google" (Chris) is behind the camera as an extra to answer the questions from Sam (Simon) and Nick (James) to add to the creativity. ...
... This is a video where the lead singer and a production company member go over the most searched questions on Google about them. This is inspired by the WIRED show autocomplete. WIRED Autocomplete
... (CS)TOP 10 Countdown (watchmojo style) A vodcast on the top ten conventions inspired by watchmojo where I go over the conventions and how we used them in our videos and influences and also why we might not have used some in our video. ...
... In this video I go over the top 10 conventions used for our music video and why we chose to use them or challenge them. This video is inspired by WatchMojo top 10 countdowns. WatchMojo Top 10 Video ...
... (CS +JC) Additional Points on Theory, Conventions and Representations
A PowerPoint presentation with more points on the whole topic of conventions and the influences to our music video.
Q1b: How do your products REPRESENT social groups or issues? We researched representations thoroughly through out our coursework as it is vital to understand the theory behind it and to transfer it to the music video/promo package as it is very important to engage with the audience. Below are a few blog links to the research taken
(JC) VODCAST on Representations A vodcast done on the representations we used in our music video and where we got the inspiration from. ...
... (CS) Representations Of Each Character
The post below highlights how we represented each character and why.
Male Antagonist:
Seen as the antagonist
Has short, hair, not too skinny and has casual dress wear
meets all the normative representations of a boy/ young adult
Ginger hair can link to vulnerable/ more prone to bullying
works well with the argument scene, women overpowering the man
Uses and gratifications, younger audiences can relate to the young adult
Female Protagonist:
Generally conservative with a few shots showing minimal bust
has leather jacket to signify rebellious
Not a scream queen type character, but not totally innocent either (final girl)
minimal male gaze, but still one or two shots with some
long black hair and glasses stereo typically connotes intelligence
Overpowers the male and challenges the normative stereotype of females being under male dominance
Lead Singer:
Black shirt with black trousers to signify smart casual, but still sticking very much to the Indie look/feel
Very flamboyant and more energetic of the band as the lead singer
Hair is a bit messy and down again to connote a more rough/rebellious lifestyle
Quirky costume in snowy scenes as well to further emphasis attitude and add Indie quirkyness to band, something to distinguish them
T-shirt to show off more muscular arms + tattoos
Messy hair like lead singer and ripped jeans connote rebellious and Indie
Black guitar as well to fit in with the costume and further add to Alt-rock/Indie stereotype
Attitude is also more energetic than the rest of band apart from singer
Laid back attitude
Over sized t - shirt to show off tattoos and to have more movement with the drums
Very conservative in the background look, doesn't want to be in front
Mix of ethnicity compared to other members of band as Indie is a culture very accepting of all people
Dark lipstick to contrast the opened up top
Saying no to stereotypes and male gaze
Metal choker and timberland boots also further emphasizes this point
Shows a bit of bust so more pop style than Indie, but as with the lipstick its signifying that she is control of her clothing with a post feminist stance.
Colour of bass guitar having a bit more colour pop as to contrast the band and her style for added quirkyness
Mixed gender as well with short hair, linking to the LGTBQ community
Attitude is relaxed as bass player doesn't have too much action in the song, just sets the rhythm
stereo typically bass players are also more relaxed
Very conservative top but it is contrasted by her skirt and her heels + the red lipstick
Showing stereotypes of females with a bit of male gaze for the legs including heels
Contertypes as well by having the very conservative black top
More makeup on face compared to other band members, but done in a subtle way not too much glam to stick to the Indie look
Keyboard attitude also relaxed as just like bass player she is setting the rhythm and is more of a background player than upfront
(CS)Representations Research Vodcast
A vodcast taken from the early general conventions research post to summarize some of the research and points taken across and how we might have implemented them into our video ...
Q2: How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of 'BRANDING'?
Branding was always a huge part of our choices and why we did them. After researching how other artists brand their new singles or albums we figured out a way to do it ourselves with many influences from other artists and a mix of our own. Below are some posts highlighting this research.
... This is a brief showcase of the digipak explaining what everything is and why we have put it there.
... (CS) Brand Deal Advert
A small ad created to further emphasize the point of a brand deal and branding throughout the video. The advert can also be seen on the website.
There was no inspiration for this video as we thought it would be a good idea to have it to brand the Hoptimist.
... Script:
Are there some days where you feel down?
Like you need a friend?
With no one to reach out to or talk to?
The only purpose of our creation is to just bring joy to the
Let the little figure bounce and see the happiness it spreads
Let it be your own unique friend, with a single purpose to
make you happy
Let it be your hopimist
The advert is above and below is the Instagram post from the band advertising the figures as well. Branding their deal and showing the latest advert they have created. With a hashtag of the brand name.
(CS) Linking Social Media + Website + Digipak + Music Video together
Below is a video where there is a quick tour on all of the promo package being linked together with brief points on each
(CS + SS) Branding Of Promo Package
This video is also about the branding across all three but in a more creative approach with a few updates and explanations going into further detail.
... (CS) Additional points on branding and influences A power point presentation made to further explain our research into branding and promo package which can also be found on our General Conventions post about it. ...
Q3a: How do your products engage with the AUDIENCE? The audience should always be in the back of the mind while doing any sort of promo package. As in the end you produce what you love, they consume what they love. We have done a lot of audience research and have adjusted our promo package accordingly to make sure engagement is at its max. Below are a few posts highlighting the research.
(CS) Fan Unboxing:
A video to show how the audience has engaged with the band by buying both the digipak and a vinyl. The excitement shown in the video is to emphasize the excitement of a fan when then band has done something that they can relate to (Uses & Gratifications).
... (SS + CS) GQ Interview: This is our creative piece inspired by GQ which is an interview of a celebrity and they as questions to the celebrity. In this interview we discuss how we have engaged with the audience for our music video and promo package. Where Simon is the celebrity from Exposition Records (Our record label) and Chris is the interviewer. ...
... In the style of (but not exactly like): GQ Interview original ...
... Competition for Audience:
A competition we setup to get direct audience engagement. We started by creating a competition video and then some prizes to encourage fans to participate with a # and using a social media platform known as TikTok. ...
Above is the announcement, below is the results video.
We invited people from different age groups to come and film for the challenge. We then picked the best and decided to make an 'announcement'. These are the top five entries. The challenge was pushed through social media as seen with the video announcement on Facebook. It was also pushed on the Twitter and Instagram (instagram through IGTV service)
The competition was setup with prizes where the winner would get to go on stage and the people who came 2nd and third got a signed copy of a digipak. This is the perfect way to engage with audiences as it is a direct challenge/competition from the band. An example of this being done in real life is
Inspired by Ariana Grande with a video contest: ...
(SS) Additional points on Audience and our promo package: A PowerPoint which includes some extra theory and explains a bit more how we have engaged with our audiences. ...
Q3b: How would your products be DISTRIBUTED as real media products The research taken to understand distribution and then further more distributing the video and gathering success from it has been substantial for our coursework and understanding of the industry. It isn't relevant to our video however it is extremely relevant to how we would distribute our promo package. Below are a couple of blogs with research done.
(CS) Who Wants To Be A Millionaire ...
For our creative approach we decided to recreate a who wants to be a millionaire quiz show. In our segment half way through we had to cut away and film again with different cast due to technical reasons of the camera. Our quiz show is mainly targeted on distribution but also all other aspects of our media coursework linking into all of the Evaluation Questions. The video is below.
... Original Who Wants To Be A Millionaire clip ...
... ... Below is a chart to visualize what was being said in the WWTBAM video about streaming and the poor rates. ... A band called Bicep has chosen to release all of their music on nearly all streaming platforms. ...
... This is an example of a band who has chosen all platforms. However for our promo package we chose only four. Tidal due to the higher payment rates, Spotify and Apple music due to the popularity and then Deezer as it is gaining traction and becoming more and more popular with better rates than Spotify ...
... (CS)Power of Web 2.0 and Social Media ... Within 4 hours of uploading our Final Cut we noticed something amazing. People had recognised the video and all our friends and family were sharing the video onward. We hit 180 view in 4 hours which is a lot considering the YouTube channel has 1 upload (the final cut) and 4 subscribers (3 being ourselves). Web 2.0 and Convergence has made it super easy to share and really make a video go viral with the click of a button through the likes of Social media and not even one bit of effort put in by the distributors (us) apart from the first upload to Twitter and Instagram. The rest is audience, this could also link into EVAL Q3a with audience engagement. Below is a little document showing all the screenshots of people sharing. ...
(JC) HARDWARE SONY A58 This is the camera that we used for all the filming and photos for the production. Almost all scenes were filmed with this camera other then a select few that we used the GoPro for. During the production we had the issue with one of the cameras that the drivers where outdated, this meant the footage came out darker and grainier on one camera then the others, to fix this we did a factory reset and driver update and this fixed the issue.
(CS) Sony A58 Review
Above is the small review I made on the camera, below is the script I based the review on.
In this video I explain some of the processes I have done while updating the website. This shows how I have used wix to create the website with many add ons and tools, such as the tool used to add pictures and videos.
(CS) Communication Video
This is a video I created to communicate to James who is editing the Final Cut about minor tweaks and details that needed to be addressed and suggestions on how to do it with freeze frames.
(SS) Mac Problems, resorting to Windows Movie Maker
(JC) GOPRO5: This has better recording quality then Sony, however, none of the footage we shot with it ended up making it to the final cut, the GoPro was used in the first shoot we did in the forest, which no footage at all from that shoot made it in as the idea was revamped and changed.
(JC)TRIPOD: We used a range of tripods during the production, because a lot of the GoPros had small pieces missing meaning the head wouldn't stay still and would swivel, the one we worked with the best was the Vivitar 9280.
We used the monopod more throughout the party scene because it is much easier to setup but gives added stability. Using a monopod meant that shots could be easier to take and would also take up less room during the party as to create as little disturbance as possible to the event. (JC)iPHONE We used our phones a-lot in the production, we recorded audio for podcasts and vodcasts, used it to film location scouts, used a new model of iPhone to take some images for our digipak including using the panorama feature and we also took alot of notes of ideas through our phones. Lastly we also used the Blogger app to create short, quick posts on the go and post on Instagram, facebook and Twitter. (JC)Headphones I used big headphones to do the work, being able to hear the beat and bass of the song was vital when editing to make sure the cuts where well timed.
We would use the more powerful Mac's in school for editing and blogging, but at home some of us have MacBooks with Final Cut Pro X and Photoshop + Lightroom installed so we could edit from home aswell.
One of the group uses a PC at home with premiere on it, we would share the library files at school onto the hard-drives and they could then edit the same library on Premiere as we did on Final Cut Pro X.
(JC)PORTABLE HARD-DRIVE We each have a portable hard-drive of 2tb that we used so that we could edit no matter what computer we were working on and made the sharing of files much easier as it was all centralised. ...
(JC)ONLINE BLOGGER: We used blogger for all the documentation of our work, using links lists, the tagging and labelling system for ease of access to posts and the search bar, we would embed images and gifs to help connote meaning from media's. WIX: We used Wix to create our website, some of the functions we used were:
FOR FONTS We used a whole variety of fonts throughout the project, we tested different fonts for our website and Digipak to try and make them fit together. We used DaFont and Font Squirrel to find out fonts.
SOCIAL MEDIA The 3 social media pages we had, were for different roles and differently named. FACEBOOK: We created a business page for a creative agency called "F13tag Media," which would represent Welshly Arms. We used it to gather feedback, launch competitions and give updates on the production.
TWITTER: Had to create an account. Here you can delete tweets but you can not edit them like in Facebook. ...
INSTAGRAM: Mainly focussed on spreading photos. This I could mainly only use on my phone, I could however turn on a function to use it on my Mac as well I also used the story function, similar to the one in Snapchat ...
We used Photoshop CC to edit a-lot of the images we used ...
We used photoshop to create all the logos for our social media pages:
This is the Log for the Facebook page
This is the logo for the twitter page
This is the banner for the facebook page
This is one of the drafts used for our digipaks.
Just like in Final Cut Pro, we would layer the images over each other and alter the opacity so that images would be seen through each other.
(JC)FINAL CUT PRO EFFECTS: Quick Flashes: When we were lacking in drum footage, we used this effect to make the drums still be able to cut to the beat. LUTS:
During editing we have been using a-lot of LUTS. A LUT (Lookup Table) is essentially the modifier between two images, the original image and the displayed image.
File containing downloaded LUTS
We have lots of different LUTS to experiment with to find the perfect fit for the video and give off the right feel
Custom LUT added through effects
Some of the LUTS will not work as they amplify the wrong parts of the video's colour.
In this LUT called "Icy Blue" it amplifies the yellows from the car park floors
All the custom cuts that can be uploaded
There are about 100 different LUTS to sort through and find the perfect one that fits for the different camera angles and lighting
Custom out can be altered
The LUTS can then be edited in FCPX, turning down the "Mix," to make the LUT less prominent
LAYERING: For drum shots where we didn't have enough footage we layered the lead singer or guitar over it and altered the opacity. This created a really cool visual. FILES LOST: Sometimes when sharing libraries through the hard-drives some files wouldn't link up or be lost so we would have to use the re-link system through final cut to link the files back to the footage place holder.